Gonzales “Gets Back” to Liverpool

Two great concert reviews from Liverpool a.k.a. the “World Capital City of Pop”

Peter Guy writes in his Liverpool Echo blog:

“[Gonzales'] range was staggering … demented, end-of-the-world blues”
“…each hand thinking independently to marry two distinct sounds into a new unique whole”

It’s only a guess, but end-of-the-world blues sounds like a reference to Minor Fantasy.

Jamie Otsa, of glasswerk.co.uk goes even farther:

“This is music, humanity and beauty in direct action”
“one of the few gigs…that truly deserves the title of ‘show’ “

What a wonderful description of Gonzales’ music and persona! Jamie added that the crowd wished that the show could go on forever. So true, but there’s also something to be said for leaving just the right amount of longing!

Both reviews mentioned that the “regional pandering” consisted of a touching performance of Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s “The Power of Love” (a childhood favourite for Gonzales) that had the crowd “a gibbering mess”. Peter Guy was pleasantly surprised that Gonzales eschewed the city’s most famous act … “A Flock of Seagulls” (just kidding – it’s actually “Dead or Alive”).

Both are quick and very enjoyable reads.

Clearly, Gonzales continues to be in top form. Looking forward to reading reviews from Dublin.

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