Nardwuar Interviews Chilly Gonzales


A mainstay in Canadian entertainment scene since 1987, Nardwuar (legal name “Nardwuar the Human Serviette”) is an energetic, bright, savvy, intense, and likable interviewer and musician. For a Canadian artist, being interviewed by Nardwuar is akin to having your song covered by Weird Al; quite an honour!

What sets Nardwuar apart from other interviewers is his ability to dig really, really, deep and pick up very obscure bits of information. He also usually comes bearing gifts – albums, posters, etc. that somehow relate to the artist.

In his interview with Chilly Gonzales, Nardwuar covers a wide range of topics, from writing ‘mini-nature musicals’ for the “Kananaskis Country Public Interpretive Program”, to piano battles with Andrew W.K., and how modern pop music has huge harmonic holes. It’s well worth a listen to gain some insight into some “Gonzales moments”.

Funny moment: When Nardwuar asks Gonzales the closest he’s been to Rick Ross, Gonzales answers, “I’ve been with Drake when he was receiving texts from Rick Ross, so I was within texting distance!”

A stream of the interview is available here.

The Chilly Gonzales interview starts at 27:17.

Oh, and here the song “Talk Talk” by The Arrows that Gonzales refers to.

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