So you think you know early Gonzo?

Fans of Chilly Gonzales have impeccable taste (obviously), and always seem up for a challenge, so we at SoloGonzales decided to create a series of Gonz-themed crossword puzzles that combine Gonzales history, songs, musical knowledge, and just about anything else related to Gonzales. Weiterlesen

The Chills of Gonzales

It would appear that the most successful and prolific authors, filmmakers, and musicians have all been able to master one key aspect within their respective fields of expertise: the mastery of emotions. Their ability to make people fearful, cheerful, inspired, melancholy, and so on, reflects years of experience, trial-and-error, or (in some cases) sheer luck. Authors and filmmakers have the advantage of using or creating emotional states though mental or physical images – no easy feat unto itself, but certainly much easier than evoking the same emotional power without using any words or mental images at all. Weiterlesen

Classical Analysis of Gonzales: Part 2

In our previous post, we took a close look at half the tracks on Chilly Gonzales’ summer Mixtape – Classical Selections Vol. 1: Piano Music. In Part II, we analyze the rest. The complete mixtape is available here.

By examining the track selections in greater detail, we hope to uncover some of the reasons why Gonzales selected those particular tracks and composers for inclusion in his mixtape. Weiterlesen

Classical Analysis of Gonzales: Part 1

Mixtapes are a great way of expressing a love for music and at the same time, allowing people to peer into the type of music that drives and inspires entertainers, such as Chilly Gonzales. When Gonzales released Vol.1 of a 3-volume set of classical selections, we weren’t disappointed. Although the set does come with a tracklist, we felt like there was a back-story to the selections that was missing – why these artists, and why these songs? We set out to analyze each track to try and find the elements that Gonzales finds appealing. Weiterlesen

The World Is a Record And Chilly Gonzales Holds It

Guinness World RecordThis month we celebrate Chilly Gonzales’ World Record breaking performance 4 years ago, when he beat his inner self, played the piano for 27 hours, 3 minutes and 44 seconds and entered the Guinness Book of World Records. In honour of this occasion, we give you an insight into our archives and show you a collection of photos that I took during the event. They may not be examples of great photographic art, but they visualise the special atmosphere and eternalise a concert that wasn’t only legendary because of its length, but because of the inspiration and tacit message it spread.


Zwei ausverkaufte Shows: London feiert den Pianobullen und seine Filetstücke

Wegen zweier Jungs im Roboterkostüm ist Chilly Gonzales derzeit in aller Munde. Leises Gemunkel gab es dementsprechend auch im Vorfeld der beiden Konzerte in der Londoner Cadogan Hall vergangene Woche, ob er seinen Song vom neuen Daft Punk-Album zumindest anspielen würde. Das tat er. Und wer ein Beethoven’sches Hirn hat, der konnte dabei sogar etwas hören, also quasi vor dem geistigen Ohr. Denn tatsächlich ließ er nur lautlos die Finger über die Tasten gleiten, was aber dank der gigantischen Video-Projektion, welche sich unter dem Dach der umgewidmeten Kirche auf voller Bühnenbreite erstreckte, von jedem Platz aus zu sehen war. Weiterlesen

Solo Piano II: Simultaneous #1

It’s a veritable Gonz-festival at the Canadian iTunes store! Here are the current (Dec 18, 2012) Gonzales chart positions:

Solo Piano II: #1 album
Solo Piano: #11 album
Othello: #3 song

Solo Piano II: #1 album Weiterlesen

Chilly Gonzales: Global Canadian Ambassador

Recently, a considerable amount of interest was generated when it was revealed that musician, and sometimes piano-battler Andrew W.K. was being ‘groomed’ as U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain. Weiterlesen

Intro to SoloGonzales Twitter Graphs

One of the unique features of SoloGonzales is the interactive Twitter graphs. They aren’t displayed on the front page due to space limitations, but can conveniently be found under the “Tweets->Twitter Social Network” menu item. If you haven’t used the Twitter graph feature before, here’s an overview. Weiterlesen

Journos Gone Gonzo

Die zahlreichen Videointerviews mit Chilly Gonzales, die durchs Netz schwirren, haben oft eines gemeinsam: einen wenig souveränen Interviewer. Das mag weniger daran liegen, das Chilly Gonzales als Person so einschüchternd wirkt, ganz im Gegenteil, sondern dass sie vor seiner zuweilen temperament- und scheinbar experimentierfreudigen Bühnenpersönlichkeit ehrfurchtsvoll erstarren. Weiterlesen